La leyenda del hilo rojo en la película japonesa ‘Your Name‘ de Makoto Shinkai

The red thread of destiny

The red bracelets

Red threads are considered to be a protective amulet against bad energies. As explained, the bracelet should be placed on the left wrist (it is the receiving side of the body and soul), through which a vital connection is made with protective energies. When putting on the bracelet you should have positive thoughts, you should not curse people, this is done in order to receive the same.

Many people in the East wear red string rings as a sign that they are in love or that they will soon be with their soul mate. In this sense, it is said that the red string would be a continuation of the ulnar artery in the palm of the hand through which the blood that pumps the heart flows , an organ that, as we know, has deep romantic resonances in various cultures, including in the Western one.

The legend

"A young Japanese emperor had a mysterious witch brought to his court who was able to make the red thread of predestiny visible. The emperor's search for the witch led him to a market where a poor peasant woman was holding a baby in her arms. Angry with the witch for what he believed to be a bad joke, the emperor pushed the peasant woman, causing the baby to fall to the ground and a large wound to her forehead. The witch was sentenced to death and the episode was forgotten in the palace. Many years later the emperor was to get married. His court recommended the daughter of a powerful general. The wedding day arrived and the emperor was able to see his future wife for the first time under her veil... revealing a large scar on her forehead."

Have you ever seen someone for the first time and felt as if you had known them forever, as if there was a bond between you and that person that transcends time and space?

The human being is a container for what matters; what we are. Our interior is immense and fertile and like roots that intertwine under the earth, we are connected in a great emotional skein… From our heart is born the ulnar artery that runs through our entire body until it reaches the little finger. The LEGEND OF THE RED THREAD OF DESTINY says that from the little finger follows the path an invisible red thread until it joins the little finger of someone anywhere in the world. They are destined to meet With the little finger intertwined with the other person's, a promise is closed, the beginning of a pure and lasting relationship. Because everything that happens has a reason for being and all the people we cross paths with do so for a reason.

The moral of this story is that we cannot escape our destiny, not even in love. We must wait for our moment , not rush to find our destiny, but rather let the red thread take us there in the “right time, place and circumstance.”

Nothing comes from nothing or, from nothing, nothing comes, which also implies conceiving the world as a fabric in which everything is connected, in which everything has a purpose, a meaning, rejecting the idea of ​​chaos or chance. On the contrary, according to these philosophies, the world advances through the theory of causality: things do not happen in isolation, but are closely linked. each other in various interaction processes.

In this regard, Love would be one of the most notable manifestations of the harmony of the cosmic fabric: people are destined to find their soul mate at some point in our lives.

In this sense, it is worth remembering that legends such as that of the red thread or the myth of the soul mate of Greek origin can have a negative side if we become obsessed with them to the point that we consider We will not be 'complete' if we do not have a soul mate at our side. We must not forget that human beings are perfectly capable of achieving happiness in solitude.

Love, in the broadest sense of the word, not just in its romantic aspect, is without a doubt the most powerful energy that nourishes the human being, a force that drives us to continue forward following an invisible thread that weaves the meaning of life.

Evam Joies red bracelets

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